Personal Training
Karada Ryukyu
Karada Ryukyu offers functional training .
Karada Ryukyu is a personal gym where we train with the goal of "building a body that can move"! Karada Ryukyu's functional training does not simply make you lose weight or forcefully increase muscle mass, but rather enables you to build a beautiful, healthy body while moderately increasing muscle mass. As a result of "building a body that can move," you will naturally reach an appropriate weight and develop a toned body. It is suitable for people of all fitness levels, from those who are lacking in exercise to those looking to improve their sports performance.
The three major benefits of functional training
Three major benefits of functional training
The whole body tightens
To get lean muscle
Functional training often incorporates exercises that work multiple muscles and joints at the same time, activating different parts of the body at the same time and training all the muscles in the body in a balanced way, which helps to create a toned physique.
Improve your posture
Good posture
Functional training places special emphasis on the core muscles, which naturally improves posture, lengthens the spine and tightens the abdominals.
Improve physical performance
Physical ability upwards
Through functional training, your nerves and muscles become more coordinated, making your movements smoother and more precise, which in turn improves your reflexes, explosive power, quick changes of direction, and makes everyday movements (e.g. lifting, crouching, walking) more efficient.
It all starts with a body that can move
Humans once used their entire bodies for hunting and farming, but in today's world of advanced civilization, this original ability has degenerated.
Karada Ryukyu training aims to awaken these abilities through a diverse exercise program based on basic movements such as pushing, pulling, and standing up.
Functional means practical movement.
Functional Exercise Progression Michael Boyle
Functional training is training aimed at improving and strengthening movement patterns in daily life and sports. Specifically, it includes many exercises that use multiple muscle groups at the same time, not just specific muscles, to improve strength, balance, flexibility, stability, endurance, etc. This improves the balance of muscle strength throughout the body and also improves stability and flexibility. Functional training includes many exercises that are dynamic and increase the heart rate. This increases calorie consumption during training and enhances fat burning. This training is designed to replicate the movements required in real life, such as lifting, squatting, twisting, pushing, and pulling. This can help prevent injuries and improve physical function. Examples of functional training include training with balance balls, kettlebells, and balance discs. It also includes training using body weight and dynamic exercises using free weights. At Karada Ryukyu, we try out a variety of challenges, from suspension, water bags, sleds, hammers, pulley machines, ladders, mini hurdles to kickboxing.
Creating physical movement
Step 1 Reset
It returns the body to a neutral state. When imbalances in muscle strength and flexibility are eliminated, the core is balanced and returns to its original state. As a result, the alignment of the skeleton is improved, the central axis is established, and poor posture such as hunched back and bow legs is eliminated. When imbalances are eliminated, blood vessels, lymph, and nerves are released from unnecessary pressure, and the body becomes healthy.
Step 2: The body is stable and co-ordinated
When your core is stable, you will develop good posture and shoulder and back pain will be reduced. Your stomach will be flatter and more defined, and your appearance will be more beautiful and toned. When you can move your core and limbs in tandem, your daily actions will be more beautiful and you will be able to prevent injuries. At the same time, your balance will improve, your movement will have a more central axis, and your sports performance will improve.
Step 3: Gaining practicality
A combination of resistance exercises by a trainer, exercises using your own body weight, and exercises using training equipment will stimulate your body in the right way. Through a variety of exercises, we promote the connection between nerves and muscles, and build a functional physique. By practicing multiple skills simultaneously, the brain is activated and it becomes easier to apply them to different tasks. Let's recapture the original human physicality that has allowed us to adapt to a variety of living environments.
Do you think all personal training sessions are the same?
In the case of a general diet gym
Strength training is the main focus
The main purpose is to maintain and increase muscle strength and mass.
→It tends to become monotonous. If you stop weight training, your muscles will decrease.
Strength training is specialized exercise aimed at improving muscle strength and muscle hypertrophy, and is considered an extreme form of physical exercise. It has some disadvantages, such as a reduced range of motion in the joints (body stiffness) and the tendency to develop poor movement habits.
In this studio
By combining strength training and functional training, we use more than 20 types of training equipment and perform more than 400 different exercises.
Each time you challenge yourself to a different task, your brain will be stimulated and you will be able to continue exercising in a fun way. The interaction between strength training and functional training will change both your body's function and appearance at the same time.
→You can experience various changes in motor function, autonomic nervous function, endocrine function, cognitive function, and sensory function.
The changes resulting from training here are not limited to appearance.
Recovering health and harmony of mind and body. KaradaRyukyu physical exercise and recovery methods use the body's inherent systems, so they are not too hard on you. Through diet and exercise, the aim is to achieve weight loss and body shaping, and to improve your physical and mental performance. Six million years ago, humans branched off from other primates and began a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. The transition to an agricultural lifestyle occurred only 10,000 years ago. Unfortunately, humans have not yet adapted to modern lifestyles. For example, the system that stores fat in preparation for starvation makes people more susceptible to obesity and diabetes. Abilities that were once an advantage are now disadvantages. Removing the negative effects caused by evolutionary mismatch through diet and exercise is essential to improving physical and mental performance.
Hello! I am Etsuo Maeda. Let me introduce myself briefly. "What is the body?" This is my life's work. In the early 2000s, in my mid-20s, I was traveling around Southeast Asia and attending karate dojos and yoga classes. While having fun and working out, I started to become very interested in "What is the body? (body theory)" and since then, I have been involved with the body from many angles, both Eastern and Western, including medicine, exercise, food, and health care. Through my experiences ranging from various sports and workouts (full contact karate, tennis, archery, swimming, resistance training, CrossFit, etc.) to bodywork (Kundalini yoga, Chinese martial arts, Qigong, Eastern and Western work, etc.), I have come to believe that there is no superiority or inferiority between physical exercises. Also, from the perspective of an acupuncturist and masseuse, I believe that self-exercise is absolutely necessary for many people and that the body essentially seeks exercise. From 2003 to the present, I have supported people ranging from athletes to people with disabilities, from children to people aged 103, in maintaining and improving their health and physical functions. I hope that everyone will become more aware of their bodies and live a more fulfilling life. It is my joy to support you in this endeavor. I will sincerely respond to the wishes of each and every person. Fitness coach Acupuncturist Massage and shiatsu therapist Etsuo Maeda
Exercise x Oriental medicine x Nutrition guidance
1. Detailed coaching tailored to each individual
2. Recommends the best exercise from approximately 400 types
3. Considering the balance of physical condition and constitution from the perspective of Oriental medicine